February 12, 2013

A new web site adventure


HawkAbout a month ago my brother Gary gave me a web site and the software to administer the site. I didn’t have any concept as to what a web site consisted of or what it takes to administer a site. A great example of not knowing what you don’t know.


There is a fairly steep learning curve with doing anything pertaining to a web site and Gary has been gracious with his time tutoring me in posting dialog and pictures on the site. I would hope that anyone cruising through the site would excuse some the clunky parts, as I am a work in progress regarding posting on the site.


WindowGary hosts web sites and prepares commercial sites for clients. He got into web building as an offshoot of his abilities to build computers from scratch and repair them when they get a bug. He started with the old DOS system and still uses it in some cases. Gary has always amazed me with his ability to buy a book, digest the book and proceed to build something from the knowledge gained. He built the computer I am using to write this blog and it is the most reliable computer I have ever had.


When he wanted to get into web building he purchased a book, read it, was thoroughly bewildered and read two more books. Self taught he started building web sites and now builds multi faceted commercial sites. How is that for perseverance?


Many thanks to my brother for guiding me through the web process as it made the process doable and allowed me to showcase my interest in photography.


Field House

Nikon D-7000


A little over a year ago I bought a Nikon digital D-7000 camera and have since been learning how to operate the camera. The images on this web site are from the Nikon camera. I use Adobe’s Lightroom 3 to adjust the images and I am slowly learning how to enhance the pictures. I have found learning both the camera and the Adobe software reasonable to learn although I have lost count of the hours spent reading and doing tutorials. I recently purchased a 70-200 lens and spent a few hours on a cold windy January day at the Little Red Schoolhouse on 104th avenue testing the new lens.


It’s been a few years since I had been to the nature center and they now have a new building that is considerably larger then the old school house. The new building is a modern brick building with a standing rib metal roof, very attractive. The old school house is still on the site but I couldn’t get far enough away to get a good photo.


On the Friday I was there the center was closed so all I could do was photograph the surrounding nature area. All the ducks were gone. Not much to see and I was limited by the fact that the only lens I brought was the 70-200. I hope to return in the spring and get more pictures to post on my web site.