February 18, 2013




LaurenOn February 13, 2013 we were given the opportunity to take care of our grandchildren as they were off from school for spring break.  It’s a time to get to know them better and experience the joy of parenthood without the full time responsibility. The time goes by quickly with the excitement of playing games and working on projects.


Diane brings small hands on projects that Jack and Lauren enjoy working on and the experience allows a dialog among us to come easily.  Around lunchtime, if the weather is somewhat reasonable, we go to Potbelly’s for a sandwich. 



Jack really enjoys playing action games and I had the opportunity to play his Xbox 360 for some hockey and football.  I am amazed at how good he is; his hand eye coordination is quick and accurate. 


Jack beat me five to one in hockey and I took an equal defeat on the football game.  I had the chance to get some pictures and you can click here to see the slideshow.